Your donation helps us to address one of society’s biggest needs: the breakdown in connection and trust between people and communities.
We are connecting people of different cultures, races and faiths and working to make our communities more welcoming for people who have fled war and persecution. With your support, we can build bridges and enable people of different backgrounds to live well together.
You can set up a regular or one-off donation directly from your bank account to Bridges for Communities, using the details below.
Bridges for Communities | Account Number: 33356175 | Sort Code: 20-94-74
Please make cheques payable to ‘Bridges for Communities’ and send them to Bridges for Communities, Easton Family Centre, Beaufort Street, Bristol, BS5 0SQ.
If you are Gift Aid eligible, please contact us using the form below with your name, address and the amount you donated so we can claim 25p on every £1 you donate!

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Bridges plays an important role in creating safe places for people from different communities to come together and learn about and from each other.
Partner in Bristol