Kinder, Fairer, More Welcoming Communities

What We Do


Growing our understanding and empathy for one another, reducing fear and intolerance and influencing action in Bristol.


Creating a hospitable city that connects refugees and asylum seekers into local communities, improving confidence and wellbeing, and enabling people to use their skills.


Helping people to understand other cultures and traditions, and to feel more hopeful and confident, so they can take action to build more welcoming communities.

Bridges plays an important role in creating safe places for people from different communities to come together and learn about and from each other. There would be less opportunity for different communities and cultures to meet and understand each other without Bridges

A Partner Organisation in Bristol

Join Us


News of conflict and suffering can be overwhelming but volunteering is one of the best ways to respond and make a difference where you are.   

Get equipped

Many of us want to do something positive in our communities but don’t know where to start. Look through our resources and ideas to get you started.

Partner with us

We can’t do this work alone. Could you partner with us to help tackle some of the biggest challenges facing our communities?


Your donation helps us to address one of society’s biggest needs: the breakdown in connection and trust between people and communities. We are connecting people of different cultures, races and faiths and working to make our communities more welcoming for people who have fled war and persecution. With your support, we can build bridges and enable people of different backgrounds to live well together. 

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